Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
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- making
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- Work
- ZX81
- Everything
- 30.01.25 Bash Function to Calculate Image Print Size
This one is pretty niche but I find it handy so thought I'd post it here in case others find it useful. Often times I find myself needing…
- 26.01.25 That Was The Week That Was - 26th January 2025
Sunday saw me heading to New York for a few days to meetup with Gary Hustwit to consult on a new film project through our joint venture…
- 19.01.25 That Was The Week That Was - 19th January 2025
"Your flight has been cancelled." These words flashed across my phone on Monday evening, about 12 hours before I was due to fly…
- 12.01.25 That Was The Week That Was - 12th January 2025
The only consistency I want is to be inconsistent You'll often see comments from "collectors" of art how an artist should be…
- 05.01.25 That Was The Week That Was - 5th January 2025
There are certain things in this world which keep me sane; things that I look too which reinforce my idea people are inherently good and…