Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
- 3D
- Ack
- adobe
- Altoids
- Analog
- Arduino
- Automator
- Backup
- Bash
- coltrane
- conference
- dataart
- Design
- Dropbox
- Eno
- Eyes
- Face-Tracking
- ffmpeg
- Fusion360
- Future-Everything
- fzf
- Git
- gridmarkets
- Hardware
- hitfilm
- houdini
- IndieWeb
- Input
- Inspiration
- Interview
- Inventory
- iOS
- Keyshot
- Kirby
- Leap Motion
- Mac
- Makerbot
- Making
- making
- Markdown
- Misconceptions
- nft
- notch
- Notes
- OpenFrameworks
- Opinion
- Output
- P5js
- photoshop
- Plain Text
- Process
- Processing
- robots
- ThisisHCD
- tmux
- Tools
- touchdesigner
- Transferwise
- Travel
- tw3
- tx3
- Ultisnips
- Video
- Vim
- Vimwiki
- Watson
- Web
- Work
- ZX81
- Everything
- 03.01.20 It's Good to Talk — How Having Video Calls With My Peers Keeps Me Sane
A few years ago Joel Gethin Lewis sent me a private message on Twitter, asking how I was and how we should have a catch-up sometime on…
- 09.08.19 Two Tortillas
Last night myself and Lisa were watching the fourth episode of Remarkable Places to Eat, a BBC series with First Dates' Fred Sirieix, which…
- 08.03.19 You Are Not a Tool
When I first got a job in the world of design — as a web designer with northern web design company Subnet — my main role was doing things wit…
- 27.02.19 Seeking alternative rectangles
My career has largely been predicated by things emanating from glowing rectangles. Whilst I'm incredibly grateful for everything that…
- 30.01.19 The First Things I Install on a New Mac
Having recently put my trusty 2012 iMac out to pasture — a machine that has given me great service over the years — I had the task of ins…
- 29.01.19 Interview on This is HCD Podcast
When I was speaking at Pixel Pioneers Belfast in November 2018, Gerry Scullion — founder and host of the This is HCD podcast — asked if I'd lik…
- 02.01.19 A Visual Review of 2018
I posted this story on Instagram, mostly for myself to jog my memory of what I got up to workwise in 2018, and decided to post it here for…
- 22.07.18 My File Naming Convention
Over the years I've had a pretty loose approach to naming files. When you've got deadlines often times you're not concerned with how a file…
- 09.04.18 The Point of Making Pointless Things
If you've ever been to one of my talks you may have heard me say "put work into the world which deserves to exist." Whilst I'm…
- 06.04.18 Common misconceptions about me, gleaned from emails I've received
I live in London I'm part of a team I have a large studio that can be toured by students I have an accounts / marketing department I am no…
- 20.03.18 Eye Health and Working with Screens
For many years now I've been suffering from quite chronic dry eyes, brought about through working with screens, my lack of blinking (you…