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- 31.12.18 Lynne Ramsey talks about making You Were Never Really Here
I love Lynne Ramsey's work and this is a great interview about the process of making the incredible You Were Never Really Here.
- 13.12.18 Reversing Selected Lines in Vim
This was something I needed to do recently, having listed some events on my site but then later realising they were in the reverse order of…
- 09.12.18 Using Transferwise Borderless Accounts To Save Money When Getting Paid by…
Probably like you, my clients are spread across the globe. Even though home is a Victorian seaside town in the North of England, the beauty…
- 28.11.18 My Altoids Tin for Travel Emergencies
Wherever I travel, this battered Altoids tin comes with me. Open it and you'll find various objects that can and have come in handy over…
- 20.11.18 Using Vimwiki as a simple, synced, note taking system
For many years I've been using Evernote to store notes, code snippets, found things from the web and a whole lot of other stuff. I like it,…
- 18.11.18 Exporting Hires Transparent Bitmaps from Processing
One of the many things I love about Processing, especially within the commercial work I do, is its ability to export high resolution images…
- 07.11.18 A Simple Email to Blog Gateway for Kirby
When I write a blog post on this site it begins by creating a Kirby formatted text file inside a newly created directory which I then…
- 11.08.18 Using IBM Watson with Processing
Recently I've been working on a project in which I needed to analyse large amounts of text for sentiment and other such things. In the past…
- 02.08.18 Vim File Navigation and Bookmarking with NETRW
When I first started using Vim I read a lot about how I should install a plugin called NerdTree to enable a project drawer type file…
- 27.07.18 Vim + Dash = Killer Documentation Lookup
Dash is a great documentation app that I use a lot to look up methods for the various languages I use. I used to fire-up a browser and…
- 24.07.18 Automatic Creation of .gitignore using the Command Line and Vim
I recently chanced upon a great little service called gitignore.io which provides an easy way to make .gitignore files for pretty much any…
- 22.07.18 My File Naming Convention
Over the years I've had a pretty loose approach to naming files. When you've got deadlines often times you're not concerned with how a file…
- 15.07.18 Less, but Better
Recently I've noticed something with my work output — year on year I'm making less. When I first started my site almost twenty years ago, I w…
- 05.06.18 Storing and Organising Physical Things with Sortly
Much of my work these days is creating physical installations, often using various components — be they digital or analogue — that I have to …
- 04.06.18 A Thank You to Processing
There are two pieces of software that have been a big part of my career: one was Flash and the other was — and continues to be — Pro…
- 01.06.18 Holding the Door Open for Others
In my new book Notes to Myself, there's a note about holding the door open for others. Whilst literally this is always a nice thing to do,…
- 21.05.18 Simple Header File Switching in Vim
I've recently been working on a project in OpenFrameworks which uses .cpp and their associated header (.h) files. I wanted to find a way to…
- 21.05.18 My Fave Vim Colour Scheme
Colour schemes in coding IDEs are a very personal thing. For a long time I favoured Gruvbox, which I found really pleasant to work with.…
- 17.05.18 My Most Used Day-to-Day Vim Features
When you first starting using Vim as your default editor the amount of things to learn can be overwhelming. I've been using Vim for about a…
- 16.05.18 Deleting Thousands of Lines not Containing a Pattern with Vim
Here's a small demonstration of why I love Vim so much — editing large amounts of data such as csv and tsv files. Let's say I have a fairly l…
- 16.05.18 Sync Vim Configuration using Dropbox
My day-to-day coding machine is my iMac which over the years I've setup with my perfect (for me) Vim configuration. When I'm out on the…
- 09.05.18 Brian Eno: Stop Being Frightened
I loved every moment of this.
- 09.05.18 Code Signing Processing Exported Apps
I recently discovered an issue with sending an exported Processing app to someone via the Internet and wanted to make a note of the…
- 10.04.18 Brian Eno on co-operative intelligence and not getting a job
- 09.04.18 The Point of Making Pointless Things
If you've ever been to one of my talks you may have heard me say "put work into the world which deserves to exist." Whilst I'm…
- 06.04.18 Common misconceptions about me, gleaned from emails I've received
I live in London I'm part of a team I have a large studio that can be toured by students I have an accounts / marketing department I am no…
- 04.04.18 I Heart URLs
When I’m asked to give an example of a beautiful piece of design, perfect in form and function, I often respond with “the URL.” T…
- 28.03.18 Boiler Plate Template for Processing
When I start a new Processing project I always start from the same base template. This template features some core things that I pretty…
- 26.03.18 In Pursuit Of My Perfect Coding Environment
Over the years I've been trying to get to my perfect setup when it comes to making the most of the tools I use and maximising every last…
- 22.03.18 Joining Future Everything Board
I'm honored to announce that I've joined the board of Future Everything. Since 1995 Future Everything has been exploring the meeting…