Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
- 3D
- Ack
- adobe
- Altoids
- Analog
- Arduino
- Automator
- Backup
- Bash
- coltrane
- conference
- dataart
- Design
- Dropbox
- Eno
- Eyes
- Face-Tracking
- ffmpeg
- Fusion360
- Future-Everything
- fzf
- Git
- gridmarkets
- Hardware
- hitfilm
- houdini
- IndieWeb
- Input
- Inspiration
- Interview
- Inventory
- iOS
- Keyshot
- Kirby
- Leap Motion
- Mac
- Makerbot
- Making
- making
- Markdown
- Misconceptions
- nft
- notch
- Notes
- OpenFrameworks
- Opinion
- Output
- P5js
- photoshop
- Plain Text
- Process
- Processing
- robots
- ThisisHCD
- tmux
- Tools
- touchdesigner
- Transferwise
- Travel
- tw3
- tx3
- Ultisnips
- Video
- Vim
- Vimwiki
- Watson
- Web
- Work
- ZX81
- Everything
- 15.08.12 Animated Vines
I love the sound the paper makes as it moves. Just one of the fascinating projects at the High-Low Tech Group at MIT.
- 09.08.12 Code 2600 Hacker Documentary
"Everything you've ever done is recorded somewhere."
- 18.03.10 A hashtag summary of mine and @katiemaymanc's trip to #sxsw
sunshine #rodriguez #penistrauma #alwayslosingmyhotelkey #coudalappearslikemagic #friends #wafflesshapedliketexas #newfriends…
- 17.09.09 A few magical things for a Thursday...
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” – Arthur C Clarke …