Walk in the park, look at the sky: collected thoughts, processes and observations made during the course of making things
- 3D
- Ack
- adobe
- Altoids
- Analog
- Arduino
- Automator
- Backup
- Bash
- coltrane
- conference
- dataart
- Design
- Dropbox
- Eno
- Eyes
- Face-Tracking
- ffmpeg
- Fusion360
- Future-Everything
- fzf
- Git
- gridmarkets
- Hardware
- hitfilm
- houdini
- IndieWeb
- Input
- Inspiration
- Interview
- Inventory
- iOS
- Keyshot
- Kirby
- Leap Motion
- Mac
- Makerbot
- Making
- making
- Markdown
- Misconceptions
- nft
- notch
- Notes
- OpenFrameworks
- Opinion
- Output
- P5js
- photoshop
- Plain Text
- Process
- Processing
- robots
- ThisisHCD
- tmux
- Tools
- touchdesigner
- Transferwise
- Travel
- tw3
- tx3
- Ultisnips
- Video
- Vim
- Vimwiki
- Watson
- Web
- Work
- ZX81
- Everything
- 30.01.25 Bash Function to Calculate Image Print Size
This one is pretty niche but I find it handy so thought I'd post it here in case others find it useful. Often times I find myself needing…
- 04.05.19 Writing Terminal Output to a File
Whenever I have an installation running remotely at a physical location, I often need to monitor the state of that installation. I use a…
- 22.02.19 A Handy Command Line Script to Generate a Readme File for Project Delivery
When a project is completed I often have many files to deliver to the client. When I'm delivering these files I like to create folders for…
- 12.02.19 Using FFmpeg to convert image sequences to video
Often times my workflow involves converting a series of images into a video. I've always used Quicktime Player 7 Pro as the app I use to do…
- 07.03.18 Crazy-Fast Finding and Opening Files on the Command Line
It's usually always the case that I have a terminal session open somewhere on my Mac — either managing a Git repo, working with a Nodejs i…
- 05.03.18 Quicker Git with Handy Bash Functions
In the course of a typical day I'll write a lot of Git commits, typing out git commit -a -m 'a message' and then doing a git push again and…