That Was The Week That Was — 8th December 2019
After getting back from OFFF Sevilla late on Sunday, the next few days consisted of phone calls with some exciting new collaborators, various admin stuff — which I don't mind doing — as well as preparing a talk for the 31st MK Geek Night, happening on Thursday.
One of my latest pieces of client work is still not live which is a little frustrating, but as often is the case, marketing schedules get moved around, so over the years I've learned to be patient.
For the MK Geek Night presentation I decided to talk about my experience with a certain client project I did at the end of last year, which led me to completely reassess my creative process and the year's output. The pain of that project would lead me to take a step back, take time out, and come back with a new vigour for my output, resulting in what I think has been the best work I've done in quite a while.
It was great to see David and Richard — the organisers of MK Geek Night — and to see how well attended the event was at the new to me venue. This was the 31st edition of this event, and is a testament to Richard and David's commitment and love for the industry that they've grown the event to what it is today. An added bonus was the other two speakers — Naomi White and James White — are friends of mine and so it was a great opportunity to catch up with them.
As I listened to both their superb talks, I realised there was a theme running across all three presentations. It was one of dealing with failure or adversity and coming through the other side. It made it look like we had planned everything but it was just a case of a little serendipity.
The next morning Richard and David took us all for breakfast at Fourth and Fifth. I had the obligatory Eggs Benedict, and then all three of us headed back the station, which looks like an office block as so many of Milton Keynes' buildings do. As a modernist, I quite like it.