That Was The Week That Was — 26th April 2020
Lusted over the stationery made by Amorial.
Like this quote from Freud about consideration when writing a letter:
I consider it a good rule for letter writing to leave unmentioned what the recipient already knows, and instead tell him something new.
That quote came via a Smythson email — another of my favorite stationery suppliers. Most days I try and write in my Smythson Panama notebook. I tend to go through one a year if past years are anything to go by. I also try and write a few letters when I can. I think there's still something great about having a letter arrive through your door, and equally the act of writing a letter lets the world slow down for just a moment.
Did some work using a SOP solver in Houdini to explore an alternative way to make lines and ribbons. Need to explore this further.
Also did some more renders of my dance motion studies.
Nice piece in the New York Times about how the Cocktail Hour has made a come back since lock down began. I must admit my cocktail equipment had gathered some dust over the last few years, as I drink very rarely these days, but I've since rediscovered the joy of making a cocktail at the end of the week, and as it's now a rarer occasion, it seems much more special.
Had to fix my recapcha based contact form on my site after receiving a DM on Instagram about a possible new commission, also telling me my form was marking everyone as a robot. Who knows how many enquiries I've had blocked inadvertently.
Very much enjoyed this Long Now lecture from Brian Eno and Will Wright about generative systems.
As a proud owner of some Vitsoe shelves, I found this FT article about the shelves on display on video calls an interesting read.
Need to look into using Agisoft's Metashape software to make photogrammetric processing of digital images. Could be fun inside Houdini.
Finished watching Ozark S3. That last scene made me jolt out of my seat.