That Was The Week That Was – 2nd August 2020
For the second year in a row I found out this week my work Black Mamba's Revenge had been long listed for the prestigious Lumen art and technology prize in the still image category.
This week marked by first ventures into the world of Cryptoart, releasing the same Lumen piece on Known Origin, a Cryptoart platform. The work sold in just over an hour to one of the biggest collectors in the space, the mysterious Whale Shark. This bodes well for my continuing ventures into this strange new world.
Signed the contract for what will be my fourth piece of work for Trend Micro. The deadline on this one is a little crazy, but its great to be working with the team again. Output will be 4K motion piece and stills for print and screen.
Ended the week doing a little Zoom talk for Savannah College or Art and Design, talking about my work and process.