That Was The Week That Was — 17th May 2020
MOPs is an open source toolkit for Houdini for motion design and is something I began to explore this week. The use of an offset ramp to drive everything is really smart.
I did run into a slight issue when the Spring Modifier worked in the viewport, but was completely ignored when rendered. After tweeting about this, the creator of MOPs said I probably needed to cache to a file before rendering. Sure enough this worked perfectly and now I had the springy behaviour working as it should.
The Unreal 5 Engine preview looks incredibly impressive for real-time rendering. Can only imagine where we will be at in five years time.
These Elsworth Kelly stamps are simply beautiful.

Aesthetica Magazine arrived and it was filed with some great features including one on Studio Gang, on the back of their new book. Their interaction with nature and the use organic structures really resonated with me.

Work wise, I had a first kick-off video call with a new client in LA. It'll be a web thing, which I haven't done for a while.
Meanwhile a new piece of work for Trend Micro was supposed to go live at an event in Austin, but because of COVID-19, the event didn't happen. Thankfully I heard the work is still very much going to be used in other campaigns.