That Was The Week That Was — 25th August 2019
My free copy of Vitsoe Voice arrived, complete with Gary Hustwit on the cover. Inside he talked about his latest film, Rams, about the legendary designer Dieter Rams. You can get your free copy of Vitsoe voice on the Vitsoe website.
This week I was mostly finishing up client work, ready for a two-week holiday. These images are pretty much done, and I'm looking forward to setting them free and seeing them being used. I had some new calls this week about potential new work — from a client whom I've done work twice before. Always lovely when clients come back to you.
I heard this week that my Art of Cybersecurity work for Trend Micro is going to be featured in two more exhibitions this year, making that three so far. Really pleased that at the beginning of the year I decided to reboot my process and the tools I used, as so far it's worked out pretty well.
Now a holiday calls..