That Was The Week That Was — 24th March 2024
The week started with travelling to Copenhagen – one of my favourite cities – for CPH:DOX and the European premiere or ENO which Gary Hustwit and myself were doing live for the first time, direct from a laptop.
I'm a big fan of Danish style and backstage at The Bremen Theatre did not disappoint. It was if I had stumbled into an oh-so-stylish Danish living room, replete with M&Ms, drinks, snacks and the beautiful Danish furniture. After shoving down way too many sweets, we only had a short time to test our system on their system, complete with 5.1 sound. Initially a technical issue was sorted quickly by the age old adage of "turn off turn on". Everything looked and sounded great until we noticed some routing issues with the 5.1 sound. Eventually we got to place we were happy with but it really was to the wire, just before the audience started to arrive for the screening.
The screening itself went without a hitch, which we then followed with a Q&A. People loved the film and were very kind with their feedback that evening. Next stop is The Barbican on April 20.
After getting back on the Monday afternoon, the following day I headed to London for the Tuesday Talk at Gazelli Art House alongside Ira Greenberg and Michael Takeo Magruder. As luck would have it Joshua Davis was also in London and so he turned up to hear us talk about our respective practices and thoughts on all things digital art. I'm always keen at these type of events to hear differing points of view, to have my ideas challenged or for me to see another angle on maybe a previously held belief. I think otherwise I can sit here, miles from London, working alone, in comfort and not hear another perspective – which I think is dangerous.
One of the things I spoke about was how I like to "do things I don't know how to do." What I mean by that is there's a pool of things I know but outside of that is a much bigger pool of things I don't know. Where those two meet, the event horizon so to speak, I believe that's where the interesting thing happen and where I like to place myself, just on the edge of my knowledge, constantly moving outwards into unknown areas.