That Was The Week That Was – 16th April 2023
The focus this week was all about Barcelona and setting up for the upcoming Digital Impact show.
The 3D printed sculptures had arrived the week before, crated and sent via a specialist art shipper thanks to Gazelli Art House – just one of the many advantages to being represented by a gallery such as this.
After arriving the night before, I spent the whole of the following day at the venue, unpacking the sculptures and setting up and tweaking the projection mapping software, with much help from Pablo, one of the team on site. There was so much activity in the huge venue as everyone was beavering away to make things ready for the opening night on the 27th April.
Much of the time was taken up trying to map the work on these complicated sculptures and I did find myself thinking why didn't I go with a simple screen like everyone else? Yet the end result was worth it, even though for some reason the sound (a recording of BCN airport) would not play over HDMI through the MadMapper software. In the end the simple solution was to fire-up the actual audio file through iTunes and just have it play on loop in the background. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best solutions.
After making sure we were all happy with everything, that evening I ate at El 58 which was a recommendation from one of the Digital Impact team. This place was great, with my fave being the tomato bread. Definitely going to be coming back here when I return with Lisa in a few weeks time.
Next stop at the weekend, Toronto for the return of the FITC conference.